How Much RAM Does an Unturned Server Need

When it comes to hosting an Unturned server, determining the appropriate amount of RAM is crucial for optimal performance. The RAM (Random Access Memory) of a server plays a vital role in its ability to handle player capacity, server mods, and various game settings. In this article, we will explore the factors that affect the RAM requirements of an Unturned server and provide recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

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Understanding Unturned

Before delving into RAM requirements, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of Unturned. Developed by Nelson Sexton, Unturned is a popular sandbox survival game that features open-world exploration, crafting, and combat. The game supports multiplayer gameplay, allowing players to host their own dedicated servers.

RAM Requirements

The RAM requirements of an Unturned server depend on several factors, including player capacity, server mods, and game settings. Let’s explore each of these factors in detail:

Factors Affecting RAM

  1. Player Capacity: The number of players your server can accommodate has a significant impact on RAM requirements. Larger servers with high player capacity require more RAM to handle the increased load and ensure smooth gameplay.
  2. Server Mods: Mods enhance the gameplay experience by introducing new features, maps, or game mechanics. However, mods can also consume additional RAM resources. The more mods installed on the server, the higher the RAM requirements.
  3. Game Settings: Certain game settings, such as render distance, zombie spawning rate, and world size, can impact the RAM usage. Higher settings may require more RAM to ensure a seamless gaming experience.

In order not to get confused, read about the difference between RAM and hard drive memory.

Performance Considerations

When determining the appropriate amount of RAM for your Unturned server, it’s essential to consider performance factors. These considerations include:

  • Server Stability: Insufficient RAM can lead to server instability, causing lag, crashes, or frequent disconnects for players.
  • Smooth Gameplay: Adequate RAM ensures smooth gameplay without any significant latency issues, contributing to an enjoyable gaming experience.
  • Future Scalability: If you plan to expand your player base or install more mods in the future, it’s wise to consider allocating additional RAM to accommodate future growth.

RAM Recommendations

Based on the factors mentioned above, here are some general recommendations for the amount of RAM an Unturned server needs:

  1. For small servers with up to 10 players and no mods, 2GB of RAM should suffice.
  2. Medium-sized servers with 10-30 players and a few mods typically require around 4-6GB of RAM.
  3. Large servers with 30+ players and several mods may require 8GB or more of RAM to ensure optimal performance.

It’s important to note that these recommendations may vary depending on the specific server configuration and gameplay requirements. Monitoring server performance and adjusting RAM allocation accordingly is crucial for maintaining a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.


Determining the appropriate amount of RAM for an Unturned server is crucial to ensure optimal performance and a seamless gaming experience. Factors such as player capacity, server mods, and game settings significantly impact the RAM requirements. By considering these factors and following the general recommendations provided, you can make informed decisions when hosting an Unturned server.


Can I run an Unturned server with less RAM than recommended?

While it is technically possible to run an Unturned server with less RAM than recommended, doing so may result in performance issues such as lag, crashes, or player disconnections. It’s best to allocate the recommended amount of RAM for a smooth gaming experience.

Can I upgrade the RAM on my Unturned server later if needed?

Yes, most server hosting providers allow you to upgrade the RAM allocation for your Unturned server. It’s recommended to monitor server performance and upgrade the RAM if you experience performance issues or plan to expand your player base.

How can I optimize RAM usage on my Unturned server?

To optimize RAM usage, consider reducing the number of server mods, lowering certain game settings, and periodically restarting the server to clear any temporary memory usage. Additionally, using efficient plugins or scripts can help minimize RAM consumption.

Are the RAM requirements the same for the Unturned client?

No, the RAM requirements for hosting an Unturned server and playing the game on a client device are different. The server requires more RAM to handle multiple players and server-related tasks, while the client’s RAM requirements depend on the specific device and game settings.

Can I use virtual private servers (VPS) for hosting Unturned servers?

Yes, virtual private servers (VPS) can be used to host Unturned servers. However, it’s important to ensure that the VPS meets the required RAM specifications for a smooth gaming experience. Check with the VPS provider for suitable plans and configurations.

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